Thursday, February 5, 2015

Today many old people feel offended

Today we fail to realize that one day we all have to reach a stage in life when they need help, love, and kindness of our younger ones.  We forget very easily that our parents have spent many sleepless nights to give us comfortable sleep. They helped us, motivate us and to achieve our goals. Now when they need our care & love, what we do? We feel that they are the burden on us, and we have no time for them.

Worst scenario is when they are suffering from some major ailments, and their treatment became expensive. We started calculating their medical bills and not calculating the number of ways they have helped us to reach our present position.

When we show ‘ungratefulness’ to our parents then how can we expect our children to be grateful to us and take care of us.

We   don’t realize one simple thing that what we sow we are going to reap that only. This means the way we treat our parents, same treatment will be given to us by our children.

There are many parents who have full confidence in their children. They will never be ungrateful to them as they had brought them up with lots of care & love. Soon their dreams shattered as their children were not available to them in their crucial time. Parents easily forgot that they had done same to their parents and their children are just walking on their steps only.

Yesterday, I met someone who was calculating the expenses of his father’s treatment in hospital v/s the days he would live. He was worried that the money which was spent on his father's treatment could be used for his daughter’s wedding. We came across many such cases where people give priority to their children than their parents.

These are not our traditional moral values. Every religion teaches that best way to remember Supreme Soul is to love and be kind to all human beings and especially elder people who need us at Fag–end of their lives.

Nowadays, many children just want all property being handed over to them, and then they don’t care for their parents. They leave their parents on their own.  We came across many instances that old couples were living alone in their home, and unfortunately some of them were brutally murdered & devastated in their home... Read More

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