Saturday, February 14, 2015

Chanakya, The Great Indian Teacher, Philosopher and Royal Advisor

For decades to come and go that recorded the great men and legendary characters who shaped time through their vision and exemplary actions.

Chanakya, perhaps, is the only famous personality that has been accepted and revered as a genius both by Indian and Western scholars.
He is a milestone in the history making of India amidst tremendous turmoil and countless obstacles.
He is revered as a sharp statesman and a great administrator, he counted as one of the best diplomats of the world. He is considered as a good Orator who can speak his heart out in simple words, even in front of the rulers. He had the strong inclination to democratic values and the audacity to put his views through.

Although, he lived around the third century BC, his political and philosophical ideas and principles show concurrence and validity in the present day world. He is filled with self-confidence and the tremendous ability to stay calm in worst situations.

His immense knowledge and foresight blended with the expert politics founded the strong Mauryan Empire in India. He was a great economist with a great intellect to perceive the complicated economic activities and principles.

The centuries that succeeded him show distinct effects of his thoughts on the way a kingdom is managed and other phases of economic administration.

Even today, one of his dictum on taxation is very much alive and calls for adherence by the governments of the world. According to Chanakya, Taxation should not be a painful process for the people.

There should be compassion and carefulness while deciding the tax structure. Ideally, governments should levy taxes just like a honeybee, that take just the right amount of honey from the flower so that both can survive. Taxes should be collected in small and not in large proportions.

Chanakya, apart from being a man of great understanding and reliable strategies, put forward Nitishastra, the ideal way of living for every individual of the society.

He thinks his state is like a person surrounded by problems. He worked at the root level of each and every problem.

Chanakya ‘s foreign policy and defense strategy are still in practice today. In present times also many Universities teach his strategies, so that the future progeny also learn from him.

Chanakya had  written many books such as ‘Chanakyaniti’, ’Arthashastra’ and  ‘Nitishastra’.
According to him, King must certainly progress to attain his goals, no matter what way he takes. He advocated the view that for the king Victory is primary and morality is secondary. His harsh views made him great personality to the world. He has been compared with Aristotle, Machiavelli and Plato. He has even been compared with Vivekananda who insisted that person should not sleep until goal is reached. It means a person should try till his last breath to reach its goal and never get afraid of obstacles.

His Dreams.

Chanakya wanted to invade India, where he would place itself as the forerunner politically, economically and socially. He mentioned the Indian economy as feudalistic, closed and self-sufficient economy. The main activities of the Indian economy were agriculture, cattle rearing and commerce. Among the three, Chanakya considered agriculture to be the most important constituent of the economy. Not surprisingly, Indian economy of today is an agro-based one. He had even covered various topics such as administration, politics and the economy and the law running a country that is relevant even today.

Broadly speaking, Chanakya dreamt India as a country that... Read More

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