Saturday, June 6, 2015


1. By listening one understands religion, vanish hatred, acquire knowledge, and get released from the bondage of materialist world.

2. Among all the birds crow is considered evil; among animals dog; the austeree whose sins are considered as awful; but the backbiter is the worst devil.

3. Brass shines by getting polished with ashes; copper gets clean by tamarind; women by menstruating; river by its flow.

4. The king, Brahman, yogi who visits abroad gets respect but the women who roam unnecessarily is ruined.

5. He who has money has friends. He who is rich has relatives. The wealthy alone is called man and the
affluent alone are respected as knowledgeable.

6. As is the desire of luck, ones intellect functions; one’s activities are controlled by fate, and under the influence of luck one is surrounded by helpers.

7. Living beings are born and they die with time; Time alone is awake when all others are asleep. Time is insurmountable.

8. The blind by birth is not able to see is same as the person who is blind under the influence of lust. Proud men have no knowledge about immoral behavior and find no sin in acquiring wealth.

9. The soul gets through the journey of good & bad results of its actions. By its own actions one get entangled itself in worldly bond, and by its own effort liberates itself.

10. The king is grateful to accept the sins of his subjects, similarly priest accepts the consequences of the sins of the king; husband for those of his wife and teacher for those of its students.

11. Chronic debtor father, disloyal mother, a beautiful wife and a foolish son are enemies in one’s own home.

12. Appease jealous man by means of the gift, stubborn man with folded hands in salutation, fool by wittiness and a knowledgeable by truthful words.

13. It is better to be without a kingdom than to rule over insignificant area. It is better alone than to have bad company; better to be without any student than a dull one.

14. It is difficult for the people in insignificant kingdom to remain happy. One cannot find happiness from its wicked friend. Husband cannot find happiness in the company of the bad wife.

15. It is advisable to learn a thing from a lion, crane, three from an ass, four from a cock, five from a crow, and six from a dog.

16. The one best thing learned from the lion is that whatever one intends to do should be done by whole-heartedness and strenuous effort.

17. The intelligent man should have control over his senses like the crane is able to accomplish its goal with the knowledge of place, time and ability... Read More

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